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Services ...

The main idea of our service is to make your PCB design life easier. We offer not only the PCB layout and analysis services. We can support you in any stage, starting from design of electronic device "from scratch" in accordance to your idea, starting from the concept and finishing with ready-to-use device, including making the mechanical design, the schematic, the PCB and SI/PI/T analysis, and writing the embedded software. You can come to us at any stage - just with idea, or with ready (or almost ready) schematics, or with already prepared PCB ECAD file, ready to routing, or even with routed PCB design which you want to check for Signal and Power Integrity, because you maybe have some issues with its work in certain conditions. We can start the job for you at any stage.

Our offer ...

  • Schematic design based on your "bare idea"

  • Create the error-free library of PCB components (so-called footprints)

  • PCB layout

  • Signal Integrity (SI) Analysis

  • Power Integrity (PI) Analysis

  • Thermal Analysis

  • Mechanical design

  • Embedded Software

  • Prototype and mass production manufacturing

Schematics design ...

If you have an idea or the concept of your project, we are ready to design the electronic system which will fulfill your idea, based on the modern components and optimized in costs ...

Mechanical design ...

Any electronic device needs a case, and design of this case should take into account the usability, good shape, weight, and many other requirements. We can help in designing the optimal case for your electronic device ...

PCB Layout ...

We are professionals in PCB design, and we will be happy to help you to create such PCB project which will correspond to all of your requirements and comply to the manufacturing limitations ...

SI/PI/Thermal Analysis ...

Almost every modern electronic device contains high speed or high power components which need a special care. We can analyse your project to ensure its correct work in certain conditions ...

PCB/PCBA manufacture ...

Any project needs to be manufactured at the proper factory, to meet the quality requirements and to provide the needed efficiency. We will be glad to help you to choose the proper pamufacturers for your electronic device ...

Embedded software ...

No one of modern electronic devices can work without the embedded software, and we may help you to create the software, error-prone, highly effective, and based on the most modern technologies and IPs ...

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